Wolf Pack Las Vegas

Wolf Pack Las Vegas is a community of women from all walks of life coming together to create a legacy of community, communication and collaboration.

About Us

Las Vegas Wolfpack

The Las Vegas Wolfpack was an idea born out of reading the book Wolfpack written by Abby Wamback. There is a desire and a need to have a place to go where women from all walks of lives, can come together to support each other through conversation, collaboration and community.

Join us in finding your pack for our Inaugural event and receive your free copy of the book as well as have the opportunity to meet amazing women we are also looking for their pack.

Finding your pack – Building your network
Brave women who come together to support each other, lift each other up (unleash our power) and learn together.
Abby Wambach became a champion because of her incredible talent as a soccer player. A two-time Olympic gold medalist, she holds the world record for international goals for both female and male soccer players. She became an icon because of her remarkable wisdom as a leader. As the co-captain of the 2015 Women’s World Cup Champion Team, Abby helped transform a group of individual women into one of the most successful, powerful, and united Wolfpacks of all time. Abby Wambach’s message to all women is: If we keep playing by the Old Rules, we will never change the game. Welcome to the New Rules. Welcome to the Wolfpack

Ready to Join Our Pack?

The concept of a Wolf Pack to me means women coming together from all walks of life, sharing their stories, the experiences to help other women forge their way. When we all work together, lift each other up, we are each better for it and I want to be in a pack of women that thrives from that.

Sonia Petkewich

Founder Wolf Pack Las Vegas